Intention & Intervention

Intention & Intervention

Authorial strategies against exclusionary discourses


Public Writing

Aktive Literatur

a review essay on Isabella Hammad’s Enter Ghost, Yara Rodrigues Fowler’s Zwischen Himmel und Erde, and the question what literature can do

in Berlin Review, issue 3, May 2024,

An Amadeo Richardson

an essayistic letter to Amadeo Richardson, who was deported from Germany in 1972 for his activism in the Black Power Movement

in anders bleiben: Briefe der Hoffnung in verhärteten Zeiten, ed. by Selma Wels, pp. 133-145 (Hamburg: Rowohlt, 2023)

And of course: the research blog!

Academic Publications

Seen as friendly, seen as frightening? A conversation on visibilities, kinship, and finding the right words with Mithu Sanyal

a research discussion with the author of Identitti

in Re-writing Identities in Contemporary German Literature: Radical Diversity and Literary Intervention, ed. by Selma Rezgui, Laura Sturtz and Tara Talwar Windsor (chapter forthcoming in open access with Camden House, 2024)

Audio-visual Publications

Disrupting Translation

video publication based on a cooperation between Maha El Hissy’s #Vorzeichen project at the Goethe Institute and this Veni project (2024), forthcoming

Visibility Matters: A Conversation on the German Publishing Scene

video material developed for university teaching in collaboration with Ben Schofield, University of Bristol (2023), available upon request

Das Kritikable Queertett mit Dr. Maha El Hissy, Dr. Leila Essa und Alexandra Antwi-Boasiako

literary criticism programme, filmed at Kampnagel and funded by the Goethe Institute Hamburg (2022)

Critics: Maha El Hissy & Leila Essa, Host: Alexandra Antwi-Boasiako, Curation: Pajam Masoumi & Alina Buchberger, Production: Christine Focken, Sign language interpretation: Hans Eberhardt, Editing: Juha Hansen, Subtitles: Sarah Plochl

Keynotes and Public Lectures

Publishing in Community: Contemporary Anthologies Against Exclusionary Discourses

Keynote at Literature and Community, OSL PhD Day, Leiden University, 7 June 2024

“Good Immigrants” Across Contexts: Authorial Collaboration In/Between/Beyond Germany and Britain

Keynote at Authorship in a Global and Transnational Context, KU Leuven, 30-31 May 2024

What Literature Can’t Do: Political Organizing On and Off the Page in Contemporary Britain and Germany

Public lecture at the CUNY Graduate Centre, New York, 21 March 2024

Conference Papers

Taking up Residency by Occupying Real Estate: Reflections on a Creative Writing Project in Progress

at Artistic Residency: A Conference to Mark the 50th Anniversary of the Anwerbestopp, University College Dublin, 12th-13th July 2024

Writing on the Political Impact of Writing: Collective and Individual Strategies in anders bleiben

at the Association for German Studies in Great Britain and Ireland (AGS) conference, Trinity College Dublin, 29-31 August 2023

Dis/Connections in Decolonial Discourse: Reading Mithu Sanyal with Priyamvada Gopal and the Decolonizing Media Collective

at Dis/Connections: Vernetzung und Digitalität in der deutschsprachigen Gegenwartsliteratur (DAAD Postgraduate Summer School), University of Durham, 25-27 July 2023

Beyond a Literature of Belonging: Migratory Internationalisms in Yara Rodrigues Fowler’s there are more things

at the Migration & Societal Change conference, Utrecht University, 22-23 June 2023

Von Deutsche Menschen (1936) zu anders bleiben (2023)

at Jenseits der Deiche. Konflikte der Abgrenzung, Gesellschaft für interkulturelle Germanistik conference at Utrecht University, 14-17 June 2023

“Readers of the world, unite!” Internationalist Imaginaries in Yara Rodrigues Fowler’s there are more things

at Studying Activism. Activism in Research and Reading, University of Turku, 5 June 2023

Conference Organisation

Activist Writing / Activist Reading, Montréal

Seminar co-organised with Marta Cenedese at the American Comparative Literature Association Annual Meeting in Montréal (14-17 March).

Press reports

‘Literatur als Aussöhnung? Über Räume für Solidarität trotz möglicher Dissonanzen’, Lara Sielmann, 15 April 2024

A Deutschlandfunk Kultur radio report on the communally curated event at Literarisches Colloquium Berlin

Ruhrbarone”: Immer in Aufruhr, Sonja Zekri, 22 February 2024

Süddeutsche Zeitung reported on my research into the false reporting around the Peter-Weiss-Preis 2023 and spoke to me for this piece

Kinderbuchklassiker postkolonial lesen, oder: Warum Literatur(vermittlung) und Lektüre immer schon politisch sind, Claudia Sackl, 12 November 2023

Geschichte der Gegenwart report on post-publication changes of literary texts, referring to my writing on Mithu Sanyal’s Identitti

Homelands, Nightmares, Good Immigrants. Essays in Dialogue., Gersy Ifeanyi Ejimofo, 14 August 2023

New Books in German write-up of the panel discussion at the Goethe-Institut London

Internationale Wochen gegen Rassismus 2023 erfolgreich zu Ende gegangen, City of Essen, 5 April 2023

Press release by the City of Essen on the Ruhr area premiere of anders bleiben as part of the International Weeks against Racism (on the premiere itself, also see this press release from 31 March 2023)

The above shows output from my time on Intention & Intervention. You can find a full list of my publications here.