Award announcement

I’m very happy to share that the Netherlands Research School for Literary Studies (OSL) has given this Veni project the first prize in the 2024/25 OSL Awards for Valorization i.e. for making research useful for the wider public. This recognition is a great boost as I enter a phase of the project that is more focused on the background work of preparing publications like the edited volume that Marta Cenedese and I are compiling based on our Activist Writing / Acivist Reading seminar at last year’s ACLA conference in Montréal. Big thanks to this year’s OSL jury Dr Vera Alexander (University of Groningen), Dr Jesse van Amelsvoort (University of Amsterdam), Dr Alberto Godioli (University of Groningen), Prof. Sandra Ponzanesi (Utrecht University), Prof. Pablo Valdivia (University of Groningen) and Dr Marieke Winkler (Open Universiteit).
While there is a break in event organisation, last year’s “Disrupting Translation” discussion with Thalia Ostendorf and Jon Cho-Polizzi at the Goethe Institute Amsterdam is now available as a video publication! You can find a write-up as well as the video on the website of the #Vorzeichen project led by Maha El Hissy, with whom I co-curated and -hosted this discussion.